The quick answer is that Frog Hollow was the name of family land where we first ran the business. My grandparents, and great aunt and uncle bought the land in northern Durham in the 20s. My great uncle named his half of the property Possum Trot and my Grandfather named his half Frog Hollow. ...pretty simple really.

One i had come across repeatedly online was Frog Hollow Farm. This is an organic farm out in Cali that, from their web presence at least, seems pretty great. I came across at least 2 other farms in the US with Frog Hollow in the name as well.
Then there is of course the old TV show Frog Hollow. ...well, the certainty behind using "of course," might fade for anyone who didn't grow up in the NC Piedmont, is under the age of 35, or didn't watch kids TV shows in the 70s or early 80s... but if you did/are then you might very well remember the puppet, the banjo music, the old pickup truck, the dog and the old country store. Here's a little clip i found online.
So what else out there holds the name Frog Hollow?! There's a bunch of stuff!
This is a fun one. This is a song by a band called Frog Hollow that evidently wrote the theme for Ken Anderson's 1970 Australian surf film of the same name. ..which i definitely need to see now. The song's pretty groovy and got me thinking about surfing the Falls Dam wave today :)
...There's a sweet glade run in Whistler!
I also came across this amazing endurance mountain bike race series called Frog Hollow. They have a 25 hour race! Here's a link to the race page: And i like their little mascot logo dude. He looks like he's having a good time!

Then, oddly enough, there is a well attended paddling event in PA called Frog Hollow that has evidently been going on for over 30 years. Watching various video clips of these events is a bit painful for me. As an instructor and guide watching these clips as canoes and kayaks float by all i see is: no PFD, unbuckled PFD, no PFD, kid with no PFD, beer, boat parked upstream of a strainer, no PFD, beer, boat stuck in strainer, beer, no PFD... you get the idea. I know these guys are all just out to try and have a little fun on the river, but common sense does not seem to be a part of the whole situation. I will say that watching clips from 2008 thru 2012, with each passing year i was seeing more PFDs. ...if you're looking at video clips on YouTube please take note that all of ours are titled with FROG HOLLOW OUTDOORS and none of them take place in PA.
Anywho, there are many more Frog Hollows out there and i have a desire to check them all out at some point in my life. Whether it be a song to listen to, a show to watch, a beer to sip, a slope to be skied, a long ass race to be peddled, an unsafe paddling event, or yummy veggies to taste. For better or for worse Frog Hollow here i come!
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